Josie and ‘Paddling’

Created by Zoe 3 years ago
I recall a conversation a few years ago with Josie. It went along the lines of her asking me (on the phone) what I’d done at the weekend. “Paddling” I replied. ‘ “Wherabouts?” she asked me. “On the canal”. She was quite surprised with my reply as she thought it might not be very nice.  As you have probably realised, as we both quickly did, we had different ideas of what type of paddling I had done. Josie pictured me in bare feet, trousers rolled up stood in shallow water, whereas I was sitting in a kayak on the surface aiming to keep my feet dry! For recent Christmas gifts, I loved opening up a regular parcel from Josie as it would contain special waterproof thermal socks ... to help keep my feet dry ... and warm. I recently bought my first racing kayak - long, narrow and wobbly - designed to go fast in a straight line. Certainly not designed to turn quickly. So, wearing my special socks - I have set out 3 times in very cold water and attempted my own tribute (joined-up Strava writing) to my lovely, loving mother-in-law Josie. God bless Zoe xxxx
